Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Food Introduction

What can I say about food and dinning? For one thing, it is a subject that I know a lot about. And second of all, I know that I'm not the only one who loves to eat food and dine at decent restaurants. The best thing is that there are many different types of food to eat, and many types of places to dine. Each type of food has it's own taste, smell, and texture. Not to mention that each type of food is cooked at a different time and temperature. For example, you have to cook a raw steak in order to not get sick, but as for another food item like ice cream, if you were to try cook the frozen treat, the ice cream would melt in an instant. So instead of having your ice cream to be cold, it would definitely be made into warm ice cream soup. It's also very funny how many types of food use propaganda to make food items good enough to eat, even if it's not that great when you finally taste it. Still, I love to taste many types of food. I can't imagine how sorry I would feel for a person who doesn't have a sense of taste. That person wouldn't know what they are missing. You couldn't imagine the feeling of happiness when you taste something so great in your mouth. Like for example, chocolate is very good type of candy to eat because it is enjoyed by many people. The smooth texture that melts in your mouth. The creamy,sweet taste, that is heavenly. It is no wonder that many people just love eating lots and lots of chocolate. And it's not just women who enjoy eating chocolate, men enjoy eating chocolate as well. Chocolate is a pretty popular type of junk food to be eaten and enjoyed. Sadly, eating too much chocolate can cause many sorts of health problems. That's why it's best to eat certain amounts, as to other sorts of junk food. Junk food is a type of food that is known as food that isn't on the healthy part of the food pyramid. Hence the word, "Junk", meaning fat. Although, once in a while it's good to snack on the many different types of junk food in this world.

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